Product Information: Purina® Sheep Balancer B136 is an all-purpose supplement for use in all stages of sheep production. Purina® Sheep Balancer can be used to supplement breeding ewes and rams as well as growing-finishing diets for high genetic potential feeder lambs fed for maximal performance. This ration balancer contains 36% protein with added calcium and ammonium chloride to help prevent urinary calculi.
Purina® Sheep Balancer B136 is medicated with Bovatec® to help prevent coccidiosis.
Features & Benefits
Highly versatile
Great addition to any grind and mix operation
High protein levels
Easily adjust protein level to support any lifestage
Medicated with Bovatec
Aids in the prevention of coccidiosis
Active Drug Ingredient: Lasalocid (as Lasalocid sodium………..136.00 g/ton
Feeding Directions
Best Results
Thoroughly mix 441 lbs of this Type B Medicated feed into 1569 lbs of non-medicated feed to obtain one ton of Type C medicated feed containing 30 g/ton lasalocid.
Feed the resulting Type C Medicated feed continuously at a rate of 1 to 4.6 lbs to provide 15 to 70 mg lasalocid per head per day depending on body weight.
Feeding undiluted or mixing errors may result in an excess lasalocid concentration which could be fatal to cattle and sheep. Do not allow horses or other equines access to Type A articles or Type B feeds containing lasalocid as ingestion may be fatal. Safety of lasalocid for use in unapproved species has not been established. Store in a dry, well-ventilated area protected from rodents and insects. Do not feed moldy or insect-infested feed to animals as it may cause illness, performance loss or death.
Management Practices
Follow these management practices:
- Lambs should be adjusted gradually to this product (over a period of 5 to 7 days) to reduce the risk of overeating and other digestive disturbances.
- This ration can be self-fed to lambs if they are properly adjusted to the ration.
- Do not allow starved lambs access to this feed.
- Vaccinate all lambs to prevent enterotoxemia (overeating disease) with both C and D toxoid.
- Keep a constant supply of complete feed available to lambs. Do not allow fine material to accumulate in feeders.
- Provide adequate bunk space for each animal. Bunks should be well protected and well managed to prevent feed from becoming wet and moldy.
- When fed from a self-feeder, adjust feeder to minimize quantity of feed accumulating in the trough.
- Provide free choice salt at all times.
- Fresh, clean water should be available at all times.