Sometimes getting animals to add some condition can be the hardest part of feeding. Though there are many products on the market who claim to add cover, none of them are called THICC. THICC is a product unlike any of its competitors. Taking the opposite approach of the Keto Diet, we have designed a product that combines the perfect balance of digestible carbohydrates with bypass fat to ensure that we meet the metabolic demands that allow animals to add cover. The problem with all the liquid fat products on the market is that they add OIL to the rumen, which kills off the bugs and stops growth. This is one of the key differences in THICC.

Muscle growth and Fat deposition are NOT opposites. To ensure we enable the continuation of muscle growth, we ensured that when you add THICC to your diet, you do not reduce the protein level.
The last thing you want when you add products to your diet is to see your animal go off feed so we pulled no punches on this one and added in Amaferm from Biozyme. This proven ingredient has shown its advantages in front of countless backdrops.

And as if we need to keep the list going, we took it one step further and added protected B vitamins and Biotin to extend our focus on creating products that add value at every level. If your B vitamins aren’t protected from the rumen they are nothing more than FOOD for bugs. So we found the only manufacturer in the world who makes a rumen protected B vitamin source. B Vitamins play a role in fat deposition, digestion, and energy metabolism, along with having a key role in brain function and intake.

Don’t Make them Fat… Make them THICC!

Size: 10lb Pail, 25lb Pail